Sharing the Gifts God Has Given Us
Stewardship—the sharing of the time, talent and treasure God has given us—is a way of life. It extends beyond a single volunteer activity or financial pledge into all we do as Christians. Joyfully giving of the many blessings God has granted us is our response to our scriptural call: To work with and through each other to build the kingdom of God here on earth.
At St. James Parish, your financial gifts are what drive the liturgies, ministries and activities we celebrate as a community each year. They allow us to maintain our facilities, empower our ministries and engage all who worship here as a community.
Ways You Can Give
With our online giving, you are able to set up simple, automatic one-time or recurring financial donations from your checking or savings account. You can additionally share of your time and talent by spending time in liturgical ministries.
“We all have been given special gifts, and we are called to use what we have been given in some meaningful way to serve our Heavenly Father.”
Stewardship—the sharing of the time, talent and treasure God has given us—is a way of life. It extends beyond a single volunteer activity or financial pledge into all we do as Christians. Joyfully giving of the many blessings God has granted us is our response to our scriptural call: To work with and through each other to build the kingdom of God here on earth.
At St. James Parish, your financial gifts are what drive the liturgies, ministries and activities we celebrate as a community each year. They allow us to maintain our facilities, empower our ministries and engage all who worship here as a community.
Ways You Can Give
With our online giving, you are able to set up simple, automatic one-time or recurring financial donations from your checking or savings account. You can additionally share of your time and talent by spending time in liturgical ministries.
“We all have been given special gifts, and we are called to use what we have been given in some meaningful way to serve our Heavenly Father.”